Herts Vision Loss provides support to local clubs for blind and partially sighted people in different areas of Hertfordshire. We are always keen to help facilitate the start-up of new groups. If you know of groups that should be added the list below, or you would like to discuss starting a new group in your area, please get in touch.
Letchworth Macular Disease Support Group
Meets at the Salvation Army Hall, Norton Way South, Letchworth SG6 1BH. 3rd Wednesday of the month. 1.30pm to 3.15pm
Contact: Gillian Richardson 01462 631165 or 07799 041638
Baldock Young at Heart Club welcomes visually impaired people
The club meets on 2nd and last Wednesday 2pm to 4pm at Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, Baldock
Contact: Susan 07506 422946 or Karen 07814 516436
Baldock Body & Soul Time
Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, Baldock.
Meet every Tuesday, term time only, 10-11.30am. Just turn up.
Please contact Elizabeth Niven – 01462 675543 if you’d like further information.
Knit and Natter Group Letchworth
This group meets at the every Friday morning 10:00am – 11:30 at The Mrs. Howard Hall, Norton Way South, SG6 1NX, new members welcome. Contact: Elvina Atkinson 01462 685362
St Nicks Knit and Natter Group Stevenage
£2.50 entry which includes a hot drink.
Come and learn to knit, bring your own projects, take part in knitting for charity or just natter. Open to everyone. All levels welcome.
This group meets at the every Friday morning 10:00am – 12 noon at The St. Nicholas Community Centre, 59 Canterbury Way, Stevenage, SG1 4LJ. To find out more call : 01438 357715 or 07891 310778. You can even just turn up.
Renaissance Club for the over 50’s Stevenage
Wednesday 2-4pm, Community Centre Emperors Gate.
Activities, outings, speakers, raffles, entertainers, table games. Tea and coffee provided.
For more information and membership details call: 01438 230 554.
Funding provided by Stevenage Council.
Tea and Chat Stevenage
Monday 10:30-12, Stevenage Central Library.
Bring your crafts or simply chat. Monthly speaker events.
For more information call: 0300 1234049.
Meet and Compete Stevenage
Wednesday 2:00-3:30, Stevenage Central Library.
Board Games Group. Free Admission but donations welcome.
For more information call: 0300 1234049.
The Buntingford Senior Citizens’ Club
Are you new to Buntingford? Are you a senior citizen?
We meet every Monday afternoon at the United Reformed Church hall in Baldock Road (opposite McColls) at 1.30 p.m. 2 p.m. for tea/coffee and bingo, but also fun and laughter with like-minded senior citizens
For more info call Val on 01763 272019
The Link Up Lunch Club
The club is held weekly in Knebworth’s Village hall on Park Lane.
Every Wednesday, a hot and tasty two course meal is provided by our cheerful team of volunteers at a nominal cost of £5 per person
We have about 30-35 regulars we serve and a group of amazing volunteers, without whom the club could not function. New members are always very welcome to come along and join in the chatter and enjoy the companionship. Please arrive between 12:00-12:15.
For more information contact Jane Turner – 07743 138179 jane.turner@blueyonder.co.uk
Stevenage Talking Newspaper
A totally free service for blind and visually impaired people who would like to listen to audio recordings of articles and letters from our local newspapers the Comet and the Royston Crow, as well as popular weekly and monthly magazines. We will send you a memory stick each week and can loan you a hand held media player to listen to the recordings. Postage and return of the memory stick is free.We are always happy to welcome new listeners; give us a ring or email to find out more.
Ian Hanks, Chairman, 07981 442341, Email snhtnews@gmail.com
Townswomen’s Guilds Hitchin
Townswomen’s Guilds is one of the largest women’s organisations in the UK in the UK, with around 400 Guilds and 12,000 members. Guild members usually meet at least once a month to enjoy each others company, develop friendships, to get involved with events and crafts, to try new things and to campaigning on social issues
Stevenage University of the third Age
(Qualifications, tests or examinations are not required) Are you free from full time work and family responsibilities? Would you like to spend time with other people who want to LEARN, LAUGH AND LIVE! And keep your brain cells active? Then come along and give us a try. We do not employ tutors or teachers we learn from and with each other. We cover a variety of subjects but if you can’t find what you are interested in we will try to find like minded people to share it with. https://u3asites.org.uk/stevenage/welcome
U3A Hitchin – Learn Laugh Live!
Make the most of life once you’re no longer in full time work by exploring new ideas, skills and interests with us here at Hitchin U3A. It’s local, sociable and friendly. https://u3asites.org.uk/hitchin
There are also U3A groups in Buntingford and Royston https://u3asites.org.uk/buntingfordhttps://u3asites.org.uk/royston