Herts Vision Loss is keen to promote local social clubs for blind and partially sighted people in different areas of Hertfordshire. We support a number of Sight Life groups. These groups usually meet up around once a month, either for coffee and chat, or to hear a guest speaker. They also arrange trips out to various places during the year. The groups are friendly and welcoming and open to anyone, of any age, with any form of Sight Loss. The main groups at the moment are based in Welwyn/Hatfield, Stevenage, Hemel Hempstead and St Albans. We are always keen to help facilitate the start-up of new groups. If you know of groups that should be added the list below, or you would like to discuss starting a new group in your area, please get in touch. We would like to help a new group get started in the North Herts area (Hitchin or Letchworth). If you’d be interested in joining that please do get in touch with us.
Clubs we currently support
Creative Writing
This year we have begun a new Creative Writing Group. It currently meets about monthly in our Welwyn Garden City Office, and is led by our volunteer local author. The group focusses in different elements of writing each session and people are supported to record their ideas and words in a way that’s appropriate to their sight needs. If you would be interested in this group, or another one like it in a different area please get in touch with us.
Four Swans Vision
Four Swans Vision offers support & social activities for both Visually Impaired People and their Carer’s in Hertfordshire and surrounding areas. Based in the Waltham Cross area, they provide activities such as V.I.P. Tennis, V.I.P. Golf, Ceramic Workshops, Social trips out and trips to the theatre or cinema.
We are also involved in creating a Sensory Garden on the Holmesdale Tunnel Open Space in Waltham Cross. This meets the first Wednesday of each month and members can socialise and discuss future events and projects.
Annual membership is open to adults aged 18 years and over but some of our activities can include younger ages.
Contact 07985 536216 or email fourswansvision@gmail.com to find out more.